OIL PAINTING TECHNIQUES March 27th - April 17th 6:30-8:30pm ADULTS
Oil Painting - This class is designed to help you become a better oil painter by discussing and learning the common techniques use in abstract, Impressionism and realism paintings.
Thursday Evenings 6:30PM - 8:30PM, Adults Age 17 & Up - Oil Painting Techniques
Class Schedule: March 27th, April 3rd, April 10th and April 17th
Four Weeks, 1 Class Per Week.
3 Canvases, canvas board or canvas panel (One 11"x14" and Two 8"x8")
Oil paints (Titanium White, Ivory Black, Ultramarine Blue Deep, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow, Yellow Ochre)
Brushes (Flat, Long Flat, Egbert, Filbert, Long Filbert and or Bright in sizes between 4 to 16) Suggested to have about 8-12 brushes in an assortment of sizes and shapes, in both bristles and natural hairs
Sketch pad (9"x12")
Palette, glass or wood
Oil Painting - This class is designed to help you become a better oil painter by discussing and learning the common techniques use in abstract, Impressionism and realism paintings.
Thursday Evenings 6:30PM - 8:30PM, Adults Age 17 & Up - Oil Painting Techniques
Class Schedule: March 27th, April 3rd, April 10th and April 17th
Four Weeks, 1 Class Per Week.
3 Canvases, canvas board or canvas panel (One 11"x14" and Two 8"x8")
Oil paints (Titanium White, Ivory Black, Ultramarine Blue Deep, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow, Yellow Ochre)
Brushes (Flat, Long Flat, Egbert, Filbert, Long Filbert and or Bright in sizes between 4 to 16) Suggested to have about 8-12 brushes in an assortment of sizes and shapes, in both bristles and natural hairs
Sketch pad (9"x12")
Palette, glass or wood
Oil Painting - This class is designed to help you become a better oil painter by discussing and learning the common techniques use in abstract, Impressionism and realism paintings.
Thursday Evenings 6:30PM - 8:30PM, Adults Age 17 & Up - Oil Painting Techniques
Class Schedule: March 27th, April 3rd, April 10th and April 17th
Four Weeks, 1 Class Per Week.
3 Canvases, canvas board or canvas panel (One 11"x14" and Two 8"x8")
Oil paints (Titanium White, Ivory Black, Ultramarine Blue Deep, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow, Yellow Ochre)
Brushes (Flat, Long Flat, Egbert, Filbert, Long Filbert and or Bright in sizes between 4 to 16) Suggested to have about 8-12 brushes in an assortment of sizes and shapes, in both bristles and natural hairs
Sketch pad (9"x12")
Palette, glass or wood